Friday, 1 July 2011

Real life networking for #cpd23

Several events were organised to tie in with Week 5 of this programme, which looked at online networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, LISNPN, LATNetwork, CILIP Communities) and real life networks (library membership organisations, special interest groups and other groups relevant to information professionals) . So far all of these events are in the UK and details have been included below.  Now events are starting for the end of the programme too.

Would you like to organise an event in your area? Let us know when and where you're meeting and we'll list it here, on the calendar and on Twitter.

Wednesday 12th October 2011
Leeds 'End  of CPD23' Event, 6.00pm onwards, Angel Inn, Angel Inn Yard, Leeds, LS1 6LN.
"To celebrate the end of CPD23 and all the hard work everyone's put in over the past few months! A few drinks and time to chat about the programme whilst meeting local participants. Please join up here or tweet me @libmichelle so we know how many to expect."
N.B. DO NOT try to use Google maps to find this address, it will send you to the wrong street! Angel in is down a side street off Lands Lane, a couple of doors down from the Cath Kidston shop.

Friday 30th September
Plymouth Event, from 6.30pm, The Bank (the pub next door to the Theatre Royal).
Thursday 21st July
London event, 5.30pm for 6.00pm – 7:45pm, CILIP, 7 Ridgmount Street, London WC1E 7AE, #CILIPLNDN #CPD23.
"CILIP in London are pleased to be able to offer a chance for participants to meet up, network and consider Thing 7 (Offline networks, regional and national groups, special interest groups) during the appropriate week. The evening will feature brief informal talks looking at the CPD impact of various bodies and networks as a stimulus to discussion and we hope that it will make for some good blog posts!"
The event is free and open to all. For bookings and further information visit CILIP in London blog.

Newcastle event, 6:00pm onwards, The Town Wall pub, Pink Lane, NE1 5HX
"NE meetup for those working in libraries. This is around the networking week for CPD23, but you don't have to be doing CPD23 to come along."
To give an idea of the numbers coming (so that space can be reserved in the pub), please complete this poll.

Wednesday 20 July
Cambridge event, 5:30 pm onwards, in the back bar at The Maypole, 20a Portugal Place, Cambridge CB5 8AF. #cilipeoe #cpd23
"Regardless of whether or not you are currently a CILIP member or a CPD23 participant, come along to meet your branch committee members, representatives from various CILIP special interest groups and regional networks and, more importantly, to meet and network with each other."
For bookings and further information visit CILIP East of England's blog.

Cardiff event, 5pm onwards, in the yurt at Milgi, 213 City Road, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 3JD.
The venue would like to know numbers, so please comment on this blog post if you'd like to go, or tweet

Leeds event, 5:30pm until 10:30pm, Angel Inn, Angel Inn Yard, Leeds, LS1 6LN. (Note: DO NOT try to use Google maps to find this address, it will send you to the wrong street! Angel in is down a side street off Lands Lane, a couple of doors down from the Cath Kidston shop.)
"Please come along to this informal meetup with fellow CPD23 participants, new professionals, and anyone else who fancies coming along for a drink and a chat"
To give an idea of numbers, please sign up on the LISNPN event page or tweet @WoodsieGirl.

Manchester event, 6:30pm onwards, Port Street Beer House, 39-41, Port Street, Manchester, M1 2EQ (in the Northern Quarter).
"Informal meet-up for NW cpd23 participants as part of thing 7, but any interested library folk welcome."
Approximate numbers needed to book table - if you are thinking of going along, please comment on the event blog post or tweet @manynicethings.

Peterborough event, 5.30pm onwards, The Brewery Tap, 80 Westgate, Peterborough, PE1 2AA
"I am hoping for a diverse group of people including those who are not taking part in the cpd23 programme. It's a chance to meet others who work in the information industry, make new friends and share your experience."
Please email Kathy Teague or tweet @katthyt2 if you'd like to come.

Tuesday 19 July
International online event, 6pm GMT (that's 7pm BST, 8pm CET and other times elsewhere), at
Virtual, online meetup for cpd23 participants from any location.
Tinychat is a free video and text chat room provider; you don't need to register to use it.  Instructions on how to join in are available here.

Oxford event, 5.30pm onwards, at The Turf Tavern, 4-5 Bath Place, Oxford, OX1 3SU.
"All LIS-interested people in Oxford welcome..."
Organised by Sonya Adams, @SportingNeasden on Twitter. No need to book, all welcome.

Monday 18 July
Birmingham event, 6pm to 8pm, Church St. branch of Urban Coffee Co. #cpd23 #cilipwm
It will be a very informal meetup; no presentations or speakers, just a gathering of local people from the LIS community. If you'd like to bring a friend or colleague along, please do. :)
No need to book. For further information see the CILIP West Midlands blog.

Edited 7/7/11, 11/7/11, 13/7/11, 14/7/11, 15/7/11, 18/7/11 by Katie Birkwood to include details of confirmed Leeds, Newcastle, Birmingham, Cardiff, Oxford, Peterborough and online events. Edited 13/7/11, 14/7/11 by Jo Alcock to include details of confirmed Manchester event. Edited 19/9/11 by Niamh Page to add Leeds event and to reverse event order so newest events are at the top.


  1. If anyone around South Yorkshire is interested in a meet up - leave a comment on my blog at and I'll arrange something if there is interest.

  2. I've posted a Doodle poll to try to organise a suitable date for an event hosted by CILIP West Midlands - see the recent CILIP West Midlands blog post for more information.

  3. Currently collecting votes for a North East meet up w/c 18th July (likely to be in Newcastle). See my blog for more info -

  4. Would anyone be interested in a lunchtime meetup in Leeds city centre? Leave a comment on my blog and I'll try and arrange one for w/b 18 July.

  5. Would anyone be interested in an East Mids cpd23 meet up?

  6. Umbrella meetup on Tuesday for anyone who is going. Meetup place at the cpd23 Poster, time to be determined.

  7. Meetup in Leeds on Wed 20 July (evening) - sign up here: or tweet me @woodsiegirl

  8. Several of the CoFHE LASEC Committee will be attending the London event. Please feel free to ask any questions about us while we are there.

  9. Is anyone planning a cpd23 meetup for the South Wales area?

  10. I haven't heard anything about a Wales meetup. Can we have one please?

  11. If you'd like a meet-up, my advice is (in the nicest way possible) to organise it yourself! You can see how others have gone about picking a date and place for events - CPD23 headquarters (such as it is) hasn't been involved in bringing any of these about, save for helping with publicity.


  12. Anyone interested?

  13. I'd be happy to arrange one. My choice would be to meet in Cardiff, because that's where I live. But if some other location would be easier to get to then I'm open to suggestions.

  14. I would be happy to help with a Cardiff event.

  15. Online meetup for those who can't make it to a real life one (Twitter/Google+). Sign up at

  16. Thanks Niamh, good idea! I'll try and make it to that one!

  17. There's a Manchester meet-up on Weds 20th at 6:30 if anyone is interested!

  18. Brilliant. Well done for organising that Sarah. Do you have a venue? Do you need to know numbers in advance? I'll put all the details in the main post :)


  19. Hi Katie! Would I be able to add some info? Sorry! (& thank you for all your help!)

    It has been suggested that we try & book a table in advance, so approx. numbers might be useful, if it would be okay to add something about that? If people who want to come could either comment on this blog post: or tweet me @manynicethings that'd be great :)

    Also, could I add: "Informal meet-up for NW cpd23 participants as part of thing 7, but any interested library folk welcome" ?

    Thank you again!

  20. Thanks for the extra info, Sarah, I have updated the entry with the details.

  21. Hoping to arrange something in Oxford - is anyone interested?

  22. I've created a LISNPN event for Oxford:

    Could the info in the main post be updated, please?

    A chance for people doing the online 23 Things for Continuing Professional Development programme - and anyone else who might be interested - to meet and do a little informal LIS networking.

    You don’t need to be doing CDP23 to come along – and if you’d like to start, there’s no rush to catch up. For more information, or to let me know you’re likely to be there, please tweet @SportingNeasden or sign up on the LISNPN event page (

  23. I've created a LISNPN event for Oxford:

    No need to book, just come along and have a chat.

  24. To Aneesa: Yes to East Midlands!

  25. if anyone fancies a meet up in the teesside area let me know!

  26. I'd be interested in an East Midlands meet-up - I'm based in Northampton.

  27. I'd be interest in a Cardiff meet-up in August if anyone is interested.

  28. Any one meeting in the far north? Inverness any one? more north? If need be I can organise but only if I get some interest.


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.