
Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Schedule for CPD23 2012

Here are the Things that we will be exploring during the 23 Things for Professional Development course this summer.  There is real a mixture of stuff: some web 2.0 and/or social media gadgets and gizmos, and some  ways of developing your career by more 'traditional', less technology-focussed, means.  Throughout the programme will be emphasising how these Things can help your professional development, although you're likely to find lots of tools useful in other ways, too! We are taking the Things at a slightly slower pace this time around, although the original posts from last year will remain in place if you prefer to go at your own pace.

The Plan

Week 1 (7th May) - Blogging
  • Thing 1: Create your own blog, write about what you hope to get out of the programme. (If you already have a blog, then you're welcome to use that.)
  • Thing 2: Explore other blogs and get to know some of the other cpd23-ers.

Week 2 (14th May) - Online presence
  • Thing 3: Consider your personal brand

Week 3 (21st May) - Current awareness
  • Thing 4: RSS feeds, Twitter, Storify

Week 4 (28th May) - Reflection week
A bit of a breather to think about what we've covered so far.

Week 5 (4th June) - Online Networks
  • Thing 6: Online networks (LinkedIn, Facebook, LISNPN, LATNetwork, CILIP Communities)

Week 6 (11th June) - Real Life Networks
  • Thing 7: National/Regional groups, Special interest groups and looking outside the library sphere
Week 7 (18th June) - Organising yourself

Week 8 (25th June) - Catch up week

Week 9 (2nd July) - Librarianship training options
  • Thing 10: Graduate traineeships, Masters degrees, Chartership, Accreditation

Week 10 (9th July) - Librarianship training options continued

    Week 11 (16th July)-  Reflections
    • Thing 12: Putting the social into social media 

    Week 12 (23rd July) - Filesharing/Collaboration
    • Thing 13: Google Docs, Wikis & Dropbox

    Week 13 (30th July) - Organising your references
    • Thing 14: Zotero / Mendeley / citeulike

    Week 14 - (6th August) - Getting involved
    • Thing 15: Attending, presenting at and organising seminars, conferences and other events

      Week 15 (13th August) - Getting involved continued
      • Thing 16: Advocacy, speaking up for the profession and getting published

        Week 16 (20th August) - Presenting information
        • Thing 17: Prezi / data visualisation / slideshare

          Week 17 (27th August) - Presenting information continued
          • Thing 18: Jing / screen capture / podcasts (making and following them)

            Week 18 - (3rd September) - Reflection
            • Thing 19: Some time to think about how you might integrate the Things so far into your workflow and routines.

            Week 19 (10th September) - Catch up week

            Week 20 (17th September) - Careers 
            • Thing 20: Library Day in the Life and Library Routes/Roots 

            Week 21 (24th September) - Promoting yourself in job applications and at interview 
            • Thing 21: How to identify your strengths, how to capitalise on your interests, how to write something eyecatching that meets job specs. 
            Week 22 (1st October) - Volunteering
            • Thing 22: Volunteering to gain experience

              Week 23 (8th October) - Final reflection 
              • Thing 23: What have you learnt and where do you want to go from here?


              1. Week 2, Thing 3: Online Brand.
                Hi! My blog is, and I am a compulsive writer of limericks. I wrote this last week before I twigged that tomorrow we have to think about our online brand! Here goes:-

                They tell me we've each got a "brand",
                So I'll not put my head in the sand;
                I'm a library muso who's talking to you, so
                Let's trumpet our worth through the land!

              2. Hello all! I'm joining up again, having stalled at about Thing 7 previously. I'm ready to have another go now, although not sure if I should update my previous posts or just continue on. Maybe a bit of both! My blog is:

                1. Hi Siobhan,

                  You can choose how to continue the course. Either revisit the first 7 Things now, or wait until we get to Thing 8 and continue from there. The choice is yours! Most of the content is the same, although there have been some new tools mentioned in Thing 4, and some new reading in Thing 3. Either way, could you pop your details in the form here - - as that helps with our admin? Thanks!



              Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.