
Monday, 30 April 2012

Sign up for cpd23 2012!

The 23 Things for Professional Development course is being re-run.  It started on Monday, 7 May.

The course content is mostly the same as last year: this re-run is intended for those who didn't finish last time through, and for those who didn't participate at all last year for whatever reasons.  It's not too late to start now, if you want to.

As last year, participation is open to anyone's whose interested: people working in library and information services of all ages, employment statuses, seniority, locations, and sectors. If you are new brand new to cpd23, then find out more about the programme here.

There's no compulsion to register if you want to take part - all the posts will be public, and you can complete the course in private if you wish.  However, if you register with us (you can be anonymous if you want), other participants will be able to find your blog and share their ideas with you.  In the 2011 lots of people found useful contacts in similar sectors or nearby locations.

When you sign up we ask you for your blog address: if you don't yet have a blog, there's no need to panic.  We explain how to set one up in the very first Thing, and you can register after that.  

If you registered last year and are intending to continue the course this year, please re-register now.

If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments.  And don't forget to subscribe to this blog (RSS and email links are on the right-hand side), or check back weekly for each new Thing!


  1. Hi,

    I started this on my own about six weeks ago and am nearly finished (up to Thing 16) - can I still join?


  2. Hi Lesley,
    No problem at all, just go ahead and register using the form above. Anyone can start at any time, the feedback just shows that a lot of people find the community aspect helps with motivation.

  3. I did the whole course last year. Do you think there is any worth in redoing it this year, to see how i've progressed etc?

    1. Absolutely! You could also go beyond the instructions to explore the Things in more detail if you like, or share other resources that you've found that relate to the topic.

  4. I'd like to register for this! :) Do I need to have a "Blogger" blog or can I use my own one (Wordpress)?

  5. Tracey - that's an interesting question, I was considering redoing the course for the same reason, but have decided I really don't have time this year (I really should be working on my dissertation this summer). The content of the instruction posts will be almost identical, with updates where necessary, but it would be a very interesting exercise to repeat the programme and see how you have progressed.

    Claire - any blog platform is fine!

  6. Well, I got to thing 3 in 2011, so perhaps can finish this year on the more-relaxed pace! I had previously done the 23 Things in 2008 with US school librarians group who did a followup 11.5 Things the next summer with new online tools to play with.

  7. I'd like to sign up but don't want to share my blog - is it OK to just lurk?

    1. It is of course, everything about the programme is optional.

  8. Hey, sounds good!
    But my blog is in Russian... should I make one more blog in English or is it ok to add an extra tab for 23things to already existing blog?


    1. We welcome blogs and bloggers from all over the world, and in all languages, so it's fine to use a Russian-language blog for cpd23.

  9. I m interested to join this course. is this is paid or free. and i have no blog. how can i creat it pl help

    1. It's free and don't worry if you don't have a blog yet. Katie will help you get started in Week 1.

  10. I've been working on coursework for my MSc and lost track of the start date. Hope it's not too late to join.


    1. Hi Shazia,

      You're very welcome to join in now - it's definitely not too late. People can start the course whenever they like.


  11. Hi Katie,
    I've already registered with the blog name Library Lingo, however, I crazily deleted the google account connected to it (long story!)and my blog is no longer operational. Is it possible for me to re-register with another blog name and start over?

    1. Yes, that's fine! Just pop a note in the 'country' or 'work' box to remind me to delete Library Lingo when I'm registering the new blog. (Can't do it now - have to rush out!).


  12. Hi, I was participant last year, but I didn't finish all things because of some problems. Can I move on with new CPD23?
    I am at thing 15.

    1. Hi Elīna, This year's course is mostly the same as last year's, with just a few things updated to reflect changes over the last 12 months. You can start again with Thing 1, if you like, or wait until Thing 15 and carry on from there. Either way, please re-register your blog using the form above.


    2. Thank you. I thnk I won't do all 14 things again, will just wait till the 15 thing comes.

  13. Please can you tell me if you have any plans to run 23 things again in 2013?

    1. Hi Anthony - this isn't something we have discussed yet but if there is enough interest I'm sure it's something we could consider.

      Please remember you can join in at any time with the material though as it's all kept online, you don't need to do it at a specific time.

  14. Hi :)
    I signed up a couple of days ago as but I don't appear in the list of participants yet. Would you add me please? Thanks very much

    1. Hi, I've just added a people who registered in the last week or so to the Delicious list (it might take an hour or so to appear on the blog). Sorry about the delay!


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.