
Friday, 10 June 2011

cpd23 Calendar

Inspired by a comment from Tom Roper, we've made a public Google Calendar listing all the Things and when they're happening, as well as a few events at which the cpd23 team are presenting.  You can see the calendar below, as a widget on the right-hand side of the cpd23 blog, and at the web address

Feel free to add this to your own calendar (it should work for Google Calendars and iCal), so that you don't  forget a single cpd23 Thing!

If you're new to Google Calendar and aren't sure how it works, we'll be explaining more about it in Thing 8, on 25 July.


  1. Just out of curiosity... what time zone are you guys based out of? The Meet the Team times are different in your post than they are when I add them to my calendar.



  2. Great work. The iCal feed, in case anyone else wants it, is at I'll take down the iCal one I did: will cause confusion

  3. Hi Jen, we're on UK time, which is currently GMT +1 (British Summertime).

    Tom - thanks for that feed.

  4. Hello from Nebraska! I just wanted to let everyone know that the NCompass Live on June 22 is open to anyone to attend. You can register on our website at Please feel free to share this info and add it to your calendar, if you like. Thanks!


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